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2020 Sermons
01-05-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Treasure in Earthen Vessels (2 Cor. 4: 1-7)
01-05-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Jesus Closed the Book (Luke 2:16-21)
01-12-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - It Is More Blessed to Give (Acts 20:35)
01-12-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Art of Forgiveness (Matt. 6: 14-15)
01-19-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - What is the Lord's Supper? (Matt. 26: 26-29)
01-19-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Blessed Assurance (Heb. 10: 16-24)
01-26-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Thanksgiving In Our Prayer Life (Col. 3: 14-15)
01-26-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Potter and the Clay (Isaiah 64: 8)
02-02-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Love Feast (Jude 12)
02-02-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Personal Evangelism (1 Cor. 9:16-23)
02-09-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Parable of The Unfinished Tower (Luke 14: 28-30)
02-09-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Running With Horses (Jer. 12: 5-6)
02-16-20 A.M Daniel Denham - Drawing Water From the Well of Salvation (Isa. 12: 1-6)
02-16-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Four Men and the Man With Palsy (Mark 2: 1-5)
02-23-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - That Your Prayers Be Not Hindered (1 Peter 3: 1-7)
02-23-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Some Exhortations in View of Jesus Coming Again. (1 Thess. 5: 11-14)
03-01-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Proving God (Malachi 3: 8-10)
03-01-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Some Thessalonian Exhortation (1 Thess. 5: 15-18)
03-08-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Church in the Book of Ephesians (Eph. 2: 20-22)
03-08-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Knowledge of God (Prov. 2: 1-5)
03-15-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Almost a Christian (Acts 26: 22-29)
03-15-20 Daniel Denham - Thessalonian Exhortations (1 Thess. 5: 17-22)
03-22-20 Daniel Denham - The Eternal Purpose of the Church (Eph. 3: 8-11)
03-29-20 Daniel Denham - The Identity of the New Testament Church (Micah 4:1-2)
04-05-20 Daniel Denham - Easy Ways to Miss Heaven (Matt. 7 13-14)
04-12-20 Daniel Denham - The Perfect Character - Jesus Christ (James 1: 17-18)
04-19-20 Daniel Denham - Give Me This Mountain! (Joshua 14: 12-15)
04-26-20 The sermon is not available due to technical difficulties
05-03-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Bought With a Price (1 Cor. 6: 19-20
05-03-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Let Them Make Me a Sanctuary (Ex. 25:8)
05-10-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Worthy Woman (Prov. 31: 10-31)
05-10-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Folly of Going to Egypt for Help (Isa. 31: 1-4)
05-17-20 Wayne Elam - Jesus, the Christ, on the Cross
05-24-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Blood of Christ (Rom. 3: 23-26)
05-24-20 P.M. The sermon is not available due to technical difficulties
05-31-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Next Generation (Judges 2: 7-10)
05-31-20 P.M. The sermon is not available due to technical difficulties
06-07-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Importance of the Gospel (Gal. 2: 1-5)
06-07-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Take Root Downward; Bear Fruit Upward (Isa. 37: 30-31)
06-14-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - How Should Members Think About the Church (Eph. 2: 19-22)
06-14-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Significance of the Birth of Jesus (Luke 2: 9-14)
06-21-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - What God Wants Fathers to Do and to Be (Eph. 6: 1-4)
06-21-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Period of the Judges - Have It Your Way (Judges 2: 11-19)
06-28-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Kind of Members the Church Needs (2 Tim. 4: 6-8)
06-28-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Do You Despise the Goodness of God? (Rom. 2: 1-4)
07-05-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Examine Yourselves (2 Cor. 13:5)
07-05-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Our Attitudes Toward Prayer (1 Pet. 3: 12)
07-12-20 A.M. Wayne Elam - Things God Won't Do. (1 Pet. 1: 13-16)
07-12-20 P.M. David Ramage - Jesus Preached by Paul. (Rom. 1: 1-4; 16-17)
07-19-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Beautiful Bride of Christ (Rom. 7: 1-4)
07-19-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - A Remarkable Centurion (Luke 7: 1-10)
07-26-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Preciousness of the Church (1 Peter 1: 6-7)
07-26-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Take Heed What You Hear (Mark 4: 24-25)
08-02-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - As He Near to the City (Luke 19: 41-44)
08-02-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Parable of the Leaven (Matt. 13:33)
08-09-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - In Christ (2 Cor. 5:17)
08-09-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Looking Unto Jesus (Heb. 12: 1-3)
08-16-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - True and False Worship (John 4: 23-24)
08-16-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Lord's Interview With the Woman at Jacob's Well (John 4: 5-10)
08-23-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Walking After the Spirit (Gal.5: 15-16)
08-23-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Problem of Worry (Matt. 6: 33-34)
08-30-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - This World is Not My Home (Heb. 11: 8-16)
08-30-20 P.M. Wayne Elam - It's The Little Things (1 Pet. 5: 6-7)
09-06-20 A.M Daniel Denham - Attitudes in Giving (2 Cor. 9: 7-8)
09-06-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Fellowship in Philippians (Phil. 1: 3-9)
09-13-20.A.M. Daniel Denham - Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit (Matt. 5: 1-3)
09-13-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Paul's Attitude in Affliction (Acts 21: 10-14)
09-20-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Blessed Are They Who Mourn (Matt. 5:4)
09-20-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - For Me to Live is Christ (Phil. 1: 12-21)
09-27-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Blessed Are the Meek ( Matt. 5:5)
09-27-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Godliness With Contentment (1 Tim. 6: 6-8)
10-04-20 class and A.M. Daniel Denham - Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness (Matt. 5:6)
10-04-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Lessons From Jesus' Washing the Disciples' Feet (John 13: 3-8)
10-11-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Blessed Are the Merciful (Matt 5:7)
10-11-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - He Takes Away the First (Heb. 10: 3-9)
10-18-20 A.M. Trent Wheeler - Mount Dora Children's Home
10-18-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Lessons From the Cross (1 Cor. 2: 1-4)
10-25-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Blessed Are the Pure in Heart (Matt 5: 8)
10-25-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Warring the Good Warfare (1 Tim. 1: 18-20)
11-01-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Blessed are the Peacemakers (Matt. 5:9)
11-01-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Not Enough (Matt. 25: 1-13)
11-08-20 A.M. Brian Kenyon - Florida School of Preaching
11-08-20 P.M. Daniel Denham Like a Thief in the Night (1 Thess. 5: 1-9)
11-15-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Blessed are Those Persecuted for Righteousness Sake (Matt. 5: 10-12)
11-15-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The End of Bible Miracles (1 Cor. 13. 8-13)
11-22-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - Better Than Silver and Gold (Psalm 119: 65-72)
11-22-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Pressing Toward Heaven (Phil. 3: 1-12)
11-29-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13: 18-23)
11-29-20 P.M. Wayne Elam - Science is God (Rom. 1: 18-25)
12-06-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - What Church Membership Means (Heb. 12: 14-15)
12-06-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - Practical Lessons From the Transfiguration (Matt. 17: 1-9)
12-13-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - How to Behave in the House of God (1 Tim. 3: 14-16)
12-13-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Faith of Moses (Heb. 11: 24-26)
12-20-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - The Benefit of Prayer (1 Thess. 5: 17-18)
12-20-20 P.M. is not available due to technical difficulties
12-27-20 A.M. Daniel Denham - For What Is Your Life? (James 4: 13-17)
12-27-20 P.M. Daniel Denham - The Promise to Abraham (Gal. 3: 14-17)