About Us
If you don't know what to expect from worshiping with us, we invite you to explore this link and learn about our worship. Our worship services seek to glorify God and encourage one another. We worship in "spirit and truth" (John 4:24) by giving our hearts and minds to God and by modeling our worship on the New Testament's teachings.
Our Leadership
God's design for the church is Christ as its head and Christians as its members. The elders shepherd, lead, and protect the flock of God. The deacons see to the daily needs of the church. The evangelist teaches and leads the congregation through lessons, classes, and personal studies with both members and non-members of the congregation.

Our Beliefs
The Bible is our guide and pattern for "all things that pertain to life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3). We seek to be nothing more and nothing less than Christians who are a part of the church found in the Bible. We do not follow any creeds, councils, or doctrines authored by men; we only only follow the commands and principles authored by God.