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2022 Sermons

01-02-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Loving Our Neighbors as We Love Ourselves (Rom. 13: 8-10


01-02-22  P.M. Daniel Denham - What Does "One Faith" in Ephesians 4:5 Mean? (Eph. 4: 4-6)

01-09-22  A.M. Daniel Denham - Be Not Unaware (1 Cor. 10: 1-13)

01-09-22  P.M. Daniel Denham - What Qualifies a Non-Apostle to Write Scripture?   (Matt. 4:4)

01-16-22  A.M. Daniel Denham - Heaven Will Surely Be Worth it All.  (2 Cor. 4: 13-18)

01-16-22  P.M. Daniel Denham - What About Casting Lots?  (Acts 1: 21-26)

01-23-22  A.M. Daniel Denham - Love Which Is Forbidden (1 John 2: 15-17)

01-23-22  P.M. Daniel Denham - What Is Sin in Relationship to God?  (1 John 3: 1-5)

p1-30-22  A.M. David Ramage - The Importance of Our heart  (Jer. 9: 9-14)

01-30-22  P.M. Daniel Denham - Was Peter the First Pope?  (Matt. 16; 18-19)

02-06-22  A.M. Daniel Denham - The church of Christ (Eph. 2: 18-22)

02-06-22  P.M. Daniel Denham - How Do We Ascertain Bible Authority? (Rom. 10: 13-17)

02-13-22  A.M. Daniel Denham - The Value of Godly Wisdom (Prov. 8:1-11)

02-13-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Are Principal Distinctions in Matters of Bible Authority?  (2 Tim. 2:15)

02-20-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Signs of a Christian Home (2 John 1-4)

02-20-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - More Important in Distinctions Bible Authority (Matt 15: 1-9)

02-27-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - People to Stand in the Gap (Ezek. 22: 30-31)

02-227-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The Difference Between an Account of Action and an Example in the Bible (1 Pet. 3: 15)

03-06-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Unprepared Hearts (2 Chron. 20: 31-33)

03-06-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What About Capital Punishment? (Gen. 9: 1-7)

03-13-22 A.M. & P.M. sermons are unavailable due to technical difficulties

03-20-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Coping With Bereavement (Acts 9: 36-43)

03-20-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Will God Actively Deceive Someone in Order to Condemn Him? (2 Thess. 2: 8-12)

03-27-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Fallacy of Trying to Cover Our Own Sins. (Prov. 28: 13-14)

03-27-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - How and Why Did It Come About That People Lived at one Time for Hundreds of Years? (Gen. 1: 1-8)

04-03-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - What Does God See in You?  (Heb. 2: 1-9)

04-03-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Is Singing as an Act of Worship a Command? (Eph. 5:18-19)

04-10-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Greatest of These and the More Excellent Way (1 Cor. 13: 1-13)

04-10-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Who Is Primarily Responsible for My Spiritual Growth? (1 Peter 2: 1-2)

04-17-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Perfect Love (1 John 4: 17-21)

04-17-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What About Tithing? (Matt. 23: 23-24)

04-24-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Characteristics of Godly Love - part 1 (1 Cor. 13: 1-8)

04-24-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Is It a Sin to Eat on Church Property? (1 Cor. 11: 17-22)

05-01-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Characteristics of Godly Love - part 2 (1 Cor. 13: 1-8)

05-01-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What About the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Acts. 2: 38-39)

05-08-22 A.M.  Wayne Elam - Where Do We Stand?  (1 Cor. 15: 54-58)

05-08-22 P.M.  David Ramage - How to Excel as a Servant (Luke 9: 23)

05-15-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Love of God (John 3: 16)

05-15-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Does the Holy Spirit Do for the Christian? (1 Thess. 5: 21-23)

05-22-22 AM.  Daniel Denham - Some Things Missing in Heaven (Rev. 21: 1-7)

05-22-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Is Hell Like?  (Matt. 25: 41-46)

05-29-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Perfecting Our Faith (1 Thess. 3: 10-13)

05-29-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Is All of Life Worship?  (Rom. 12:12)

06-05-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Overcoming the Trials to Our Faith (Phil 3: 1-9, 1 Thess. 3: 1-9)

06-05-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - How Can We Know and Help Others Know that God Exists?  (Psa. 19: 1-4)

06-12-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Christian and Christ (Col. 3: 1-8)

06-12-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Why is Doctrine Essential?  (John 7: 16-19)

06-19-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Living the Good Life (Psa. 37: 1-11)

06-19-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Does Satan Hear Our Prayers? (2 Cor. 11: 13-15)

06-26-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Obtaining Inner Peace. (John 14: 24-27)

06-26-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Does God Hear an Alien Sinner's Prayer? (Prov. 15: 6-9)

07-03-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - When the Fulness of Time Was Come. (Gal. 4: 1-9)

07-03-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - How Do We Call Upon the Name of the Lord? (Rom. 10: 9-17)

07-10-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Jesus, the Great Physician (Matt. 9: 9-13)

07-10-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - When Was the Exodus? (1 Kings 6: 1-4)

07-17-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Wise Foolishness (1 Cor. 1: 18-31)

07-17-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Did Paul Sin in Acts 21? (Eph. 2: 12-18)

07-24-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Mystery of Godliness (1 Tim. 3: 14-16)

07-24-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Was Paul Teaching that Baptism is Not Essential to Salvation? (1 Cor. 1: 8-17)

07-31-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Uniqueness of The Lord's Supper (Matt. 26: 26-29)

07-31-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - When Did the Old Testament Become "Old"? (Heb. 8: 8-13)

08-07-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Putting on the Christian Armor with Prayer (Eph. 6: 10-19)

08-07-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Are There Those For Whom We Are Not to Pray? (1 John 5: 14-18)

08-14-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Epaphras, an Example of Faithfulness (Col. 4: 12-13)

08-14-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - When Was the Promise to Abraham Given? (Gal. 3: 14-18)

08-21-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Why Did Jesus Come into the World? (Heb. 2: 10-18)

08-21-22 P.M. Daniel Denham - What is the Proper Meaning of Matthew 28: 18-20?

08-28-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Faithfulness (Heb. 11: 1-6)

08-28-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Does Numbers 16 Contradict Numbers 26? (Num. 21-33)

09-04-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Sorrows of Sin (Psa. 38: 1-8)

09-04-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Were the Days of Genesis 1 24 Hour Days? (Gen. 1: 1-5)

09-11-22 A.M.- Daniel Denham - What is God's View of the Church? (Eph. 3: 7-12)

09-11-22 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Is Genesis 2 a Description of Another Creation?

09-18-22 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Church as We Need to See It (1 Pet. 2: 1-9)

09-18-22 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Why Did God Create Man if He Knew He Would Sin? (Gen. 3:1-6)

09-25-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Leadership Entails Service (Matt. 20: 20-28)

09-25-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Did God Not Know Where Adam & Eve Were Hiding?(Gen. 3: 7-15)

10-02-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Being Strong in the Grace of God (2 Timothy 2: 1-12)

10-02-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - How Does One Properly Interpret the Bible Prophecy? (Acts 2: 16-21)

10-09-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Priorities in Prayer (Matt 6: 5-16)

10-09-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Are "the Last Days"? (Heb. 1: 1-3)

10-16-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Church as the Building of God (Ex. 29: 42-26)

10-16-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Are the Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross? (Luke 23: 32-33)

10-23-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Attitudes and Actions Toward God, Ourselves and Others (Col 1: 1-11)

10-23-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Is Happening in the Middle East According to the Bible? (Gen. 16: 11-12)

10-30-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Two Special Blessings (1 John 5: 13-15)

10-30-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Is Secular Humanism and Why Is It Dangerous? (Gen. 1: 26-28)

11-06-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Great Effects of the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2: 42-47)

11-06-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The Book of Mormon Part 1 (Jude 3-4)

11-13-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Lessons From Hurricanes (Matt. 7: 21-29)

11-13-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Mormonism Part 2 (Gal. 1: 6-10)

11-20-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Christianity, the Religion of Doing God's Will (1 John 3: 1-9)

11-20-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - How Do We Examine Ourselves? (2 Cor. 13: 5-9)

11-27-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Who Cares If I Am Lost?  (Psalm 142: 4-5)

11-27-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What About Programs Like Youth Ministers? (Eph. 4: 11-15)

12-04-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Hands and Feet of Jesus (Luke 24: 36-40)

12-04-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Is the All-Sufficiency of the Word of God? (James 1: 18-22)

12-11-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Judgment Scene (Matt. 25: 31-46)

12-11 22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Some Paradoxes of the Bible (Prov. 26: 1-5)

12-18-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Be Ready always to Make a Defense (1 Pet. 3: 14-16)

12-18-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Is Hardness of Heart? (Heb. 3: 12-14)

12-25-22 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Good Shepherd (John 10: 11-18)

12-25-22 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Did the Father Abandon Jesus on the Cross? (Matt. 27: 46-47)

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